Patrick’s Voice: God Calls / Chooses Us Differently

When I was still in school, I used to be a brilliant student. All the teachers that taught me easily loved me. This was due to the fact that I used to pass highly. My grades were always on point and I topped the classes from the day I started studying until the day I got out of school. I solved math problems, understood literature and I was so quiet. By that time of my life, I did not think of my talents, my gifts or anything special the lord has placed in my life. Throughout my education, I was loved by head teachers- why not? They always loved a smart kid.

One day, I sat in a quiz contest and battled with a brilliant mind,she was a gal and she was absolutely smart. She knew a ton herself and gave the most correct answers. At that point, every student in the room would be left in amusement. 

This time, I represented my class and I didn’t want to let them down. By God’s favor and blessings bestowed upon me, and I beat the whole team and won for my class. I became a popular guy in school at that age. I was short , tiny and quiet – I am still the same person. Through these results and many terms of topping my classes, many students came to me whenever they found a problem, especially math, and I used to solve them. To date, I still find my time at school absolutely impressed. 

What Happened?

Today, I find many of the people I studied with living a luxurious life. A life that looks good and a life I would admire. Some of them have the time to stop by and asked me ‘What happened ?’ And my answers are always precise and accurate, “Life happened, just like everywhere.” I have also met with many of former class mates, my close friends and I ask them the same questions they ask me, ” What really happened?”

Along the way, I met with a student we all looked at while at school. He was the most holy person. He spoke the Bible and he would speak to gatherings at school, he was the young pastor of our time and our school, even pastors sat down and listened to him.The wisdom, knowledge and understanding the lord has placed in his life. Now, when you meet him today, he become a gangster and does all sorts of things and we all keep reminding ourselves of the person he was when we were kids. 

Realizing the Doctor is My Friend

I got sick a few days back and I couldn’t even imagine what brings sickness to me. It came in a week back and I only took pain killers and I thought I was better, then after the week, the sickesss kicks in again with fever, severe headache and dizziness. This time my friend understood that I wasn’t going to the hospital if he doesn’t kick in. He drags me to the clinic for a quick check up. The doctors found severe malaria and I got on drip immediately. Lucky enough, the doctor said I couldn’t spend the night in the hospital, we just had to get the drip and head back home. He then asked me to come back the next morning for my second drip. I wake up early in the morning in response to the doctor’s request. When one doctor showed me where to lie, I knew it was time for my drip.

This doctor then moves out and sends in another doctor to attend to me. In that room, the world became small when we set eyes to each other as former schoolmates. He was a few classes before me but he definitely knew me. I was so impressed seeing someone I knew being a doctor. We had a little chat as he treated me.

Being The Hands and Feet of Jesus

Through our conversation, he asked me what I do now? You were a mastermind back in school, he commented. He was so surprised when I told him that I became a humanitarian for lack of a better word. This young man asked me what I meant by that and I really explained to him in the simplest terms, “God called me to be his hands and feet down here, to go and meet the need right where it is.” I went on and told him that God calls and chooses us differently for his kingdom. This young man is Doctor because that is where the lord chose him to be. He told me that people like me were supposed to either be doctors or engineers. I imagined, maybe he has looked at me and judged that with my looks and appearance, life must have been hard. But I kept on telling him that society won’t dictate what God wants us to be. Sometimes we all want to be something else, and then God brings something very different and we must settle with that. 

What Is Success?

When he went to attend to other patients, I stayed lying on the hospital bed with my drip but kept on imagining life. Why do people have the thought that success comes with certain things. I personally believe success is a personal thing. Every accomplishment you make, becomes a point of success to you, not how society wants you to succeed. I also think God is the creator and planner of all our lives. Before you he makes his purpose clear to you, you really don’t know who you are or who you’re supposed to be. God has called each and everyone of us to a specific purpose that is part of his whole plan.

Listen and Obey

We must be willing to listen and obey. He called us to die to ourselves in order to become who he wants us to be. In every part of life you’re in, listen to God’s call over your life and be that. We have all ever wanted to be a lot of things, but we can only be what God wants us to be. I was so happy to see my friend being a doctor, I know if I ever get a problem with health, I at least know who to call. I have a friend who is a lawyer, he teaches me about my rights at least every time because that is how he is shining a light and being a vessel of God in that area.

I am really happy with who I am right now. I am so happy that God showed me his purposes for my life and he keeps showing me each and everyday.

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This is us


Daughter, sister, wife, mom, Gma, and friend is what I bring to the table.  There is only one, I AM, and it isn’t me. Jesus is His name and He lives in me and works in all that I AM, and all that I am not. Our work together looks like laundry, and sometimes we dance.  He cleans up all the messes and He is who I follow, in the dance of life.  My name is Jenay and I’m glad you stopped by. 


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