Why is hospitality important to God? Psalm 23, one of the most well known scriptures, has a hospitality feel to it. Tables prepared, overflowing cups, and scalp massage; it doesn’t get anymore hospitable than that. When Jesus came, he said he goes to prepare a place for us, that’s the ultimate hospitality forever.
Pursue and Practice Hospitality
Several times in the New Testament we are told to pursue and practice hospitality. Clearly, hospitality is an important thing to God. Why?Hospitality says I made space and time for you, in my schedule, in my home, in my car, in my thoughts and prayers, but mostly in my heart; there is room prepared and space available. It’s fun to see people get creative with food and decor; some are brilliant at hosting; gifted hosts that make hospitality beautiful and yummy. Time and space are the foundation points of hospitality and I invitation is the key that opens the door and welcomes guests.
God Is the GOAT Host
God is the all-time host with all the space and all the time; He has invited us into His creation to enjoy; to taste and see that He is good. He is the greatest creator of beautiful spaces and delicious food and drinks. Starting out by making room in the heart will work its way into time and space, that effect schedules and surroundings. We are all called to it, it’s just that some are more gifted in this calling, but it doesn’t change the call, it may just look a little different. I think of it like singing, we are all called to sing praises to God, some (like me) just need to do it quieter when others are around and let the beautiful voices lead and sing loud. May we all get our hospitality on, host and be hosted; enjoying God’s goodness together in the time and space we have been given.