Summer Hard & Fall Into The Coming Season

Jenna Jones summed it up best when she said, “We have summered hard.” I had a group of Moms over and we talked about what this next season looks like, how to create rhythms and vision for what we want in our lives and in our families. Summering hard is good and fun and a needed season as well, but at some point we need to get back to a schedule that has some structure. We are just over Summer and ready to Fall into some new rhythms.

Proverbs 29:18 Without revelation people run wild,

but one who follows divine instruction will be happy.


Rhythms are important. In order to make disciples; and as moms that’s exactly what we are doing with our people, we must have some sort of rhythm they can follow and understand. Nobody can follow chaos, they can live in it, and they can even create it, but nobody can follow it.

There are rhythms within seasons. Summer has it’s own rhythm, and it feels a lot like chaos, happy chaos, but definitely a wild beat that can’t easily be followed. Summer in Montana, feels like opening the gate to green pastures for a bunch of penned up animals. We run out of the gate and start jumping and kicking and running in circles because it feels so good.

I hosted a Mom’s Night Out, and we talked about the best part of summer, followed by what we want in this coming season and how to be intentional about it.

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)

Where to start is often the hardest part of change. When we start with delighting in the Lord, then he will fill our hearts with godly desires, and he will bring about seasons and change that help us live out what is in our heart.

A godly perspective gives us clear vision. Another translation (The Voice) of Proverbs 29:18 says:

Where there is no vision from God, the people run wild,
    but those who adhere to God’s instruction know genuine happiness.

Sharing Seasons – Rhythms – Visions

After Mom’s Night Out, I took the girls out for a River Front date and we talked about the same things; seasons, rhythms, and visions.

We prayed for this coming season; for rhythms, and vision that all line up to to fill our lives and this particular time in our lives with all God has for us.

We may have summered hard, but now we are ready to Fall into the next season with Thanksgiving.

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This is us


Daughter, sister, wife, mom, Gma, and friend is what I bring to the table.  There is only one, I AM, and it isn’t me. Jesus is His name and He lives in me and works in all that I AM, and all that I am not. Our work together looks like laundry, and sometimes we dance.  He cleans up all the messes and He is who I follow, in the dance of life.  My name is Jenay and I’m glad you stopped by. 


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