We Have All Authority

Gun laws are a gross distraction to what we can learn from this horrible tragedy in Uvalde, TX.  Focusing on  laws and dividing  over them is only costing us more time, and more lives.  

What law and authority do we live by?  Jesus gave his followers all authority over evil when he sent them out.  He also said not to rejoice over the authority he gave us, but to rejoice that our names are written in heaven. 

Why are we waiting outside as children are being shot?

Our most urgent problem and question is; why do we expect people to sit outside of a school as children are being shot, waiting for the authorities to do something?   Why do we have to wait for permission to help those in desperate need?  

What can we learn from this? When I watched the video of the parents pleading with the officers to go into that school it reminded me of the videos of people standing by and feeling helpless at the George Floyd murder, waiting for the authorities in the situation to do the right thing, and take the just action.  

Jesus followers are called to justice and righteousness, and we have the authority and permission to do so. 

Whose Authority Do I Live Under

My words are not in judgment, I wasn’t there; honestly I think people were doing the best they could in the worst situation with no warning or time to prepare for how to respond.  I’m convicted in my own heart.  What authority do I submit to and whose permission do I wait for?  If I truly operate under the authority of God’s Word, I have all the authority and permission I need to fight the enemy and to do it with aggressive love. We think of love as soft, it’s the most solid and bold action you will ever take.

All Authority Has Been Given To Jesus Followers

Christians have a higher calling; all  authority has been given to us to take action against evil and fight for the vulnerable.  Expecting law enforcement to do everything that needs done, especially in an emergency, is not fair to them or the people waiting to be saved. Brothers and sisters in Christ have all authority to link arms, and save lives. I am thankful for law enforcement, and the service they provide, but we can’t expect the law and officers to be the only ones taking action in  keeping people protected.  

Sometimes we have to run into a burning building before the firefighters get there.  I’m not suggesting we live in chaos, like vigilantes. I am suggesting for those who have been given authority by God and live by His law, we have the authority to jump into action without further permission. We can’t wait for the officials to do everything for us and to tell us when we are allowed to jump in and  help.    

Responding as good Samaritans, and loving our neighbors in everyday life is the training that will help us jump into life and death situations without the job title to do so.  Friends, we have to take action in the moment, not just with our phones, but go to the scene.  

Lessons From 9-11

One of the biggest lessons learned from 9-11, is there are times in we must take action immediately, not waiting for proper authorities, and permission, but take authority, and take action.  By the third plane that was hijacked, Flight 93, the heroic passengers took over the plane, not sitting in their seats and waiting for authorities to handle the situation. They rolled into action together, and did what needed to be done. They lost their lives, but they saved many more lives.  

What Can We Learn

I believe everyone at the school was doing their very best that  knew to do in that traumatic  moment.  What can we learn?  If there is an evil attack, run in quickly and help, at all cost, with all authority!

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Daughter, sister, wife, mom, Gma, and friend is what I bring to the table.  There is only one, I AM, and it isn’t me. Jesus is His name and He lives in me and works in all that I AM, and all that I am not. Our work together looks like laundry, and sometimes we dance.  He cleans up all the messes and He is who I follow, in the dance of life.  My name is Jenay and I’m glad you stopped by. 


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