It has been a minute since I have written a blog post.
While waiting for Taste and See to be published, I created a new blog page to provide updates as well as a form to preorder the book. Some of you have already signed up, and I got you! Thanks for being patient and waiting with anticipation right along with me.
As I am anxiously awaiting the launch of my first book, I swing between excitement and frustration. This process is all new to me, and this project has had me feeling all the ways. With much prayer and vulnerability–and even more waiting–the completion date is getting closer. I mean, I still don’t know when exactly (insert eye roll), but it can’t be further away . . . right?
The hardest part of the process is waiting and persevering at the same time. All good things are worth waiting for, but waiting is not sitting by and doing nothing; it’s waiting and persevering in the wait. How do we push forward and wait at the same time? I have not a clue, but neither do I have a choice.
I have wanted to move on and just let the project be: It was a good run, I learned a lot, and that is enough for me. At the same time, I feel like the Lord has put this in my heart and in my hands (almost) and if I quit now, I will miss something that He has for me–and possibly for others. Waiting is just that: knowing something is coming and believing it is worth the wait.
The Lord talks a lot in Scripture about waiting. It’s neither easy nor lazy; instead, it’s both challenging and active. When people ask me when this book will be ready for purchase, my answer in my head remains: “I have no clue.” But my heart (when I boss it around) says: “In the Lord’s perfect timing.” It sounds weak, but it is the strongest and most humbling answer I have–to both know and not know.
Waiting on the Lord is not lazy; it is hard work.
While we wait, whether for a book, a promotion, a breakthrough, a move, or an answer, we must persevere. During this book publishing process, I have wanted to walk away, but I know when the Lord gives us a project, we must persevere and wait–we must live with the tension and leave the timing and outcome to Him, offering back to Him all He has given to us.
It’s in this tension that I believe God shows up–after we have worn ourselves out but not given up.
I don’t know what it is in your life, but I know you are waiting for something. It’s the way we live: We wait and persevere.
I invite you to click this link to read more about Taste and See, and if you haven’t already, sign up on the preorder list; we can wait together! Like a trip to any waiting room, it’s always better when you don’t have to go it alone.