I literally have no idea how I’m going to share 51 more things that I want to tell my older self. Fortunately, thing one, was telling myself to keep going, so I guess if I just do thing 1 the rest will happen. The other beautiful thing about sharing 52 things because I’m 52; means I have all year. I have all year to BE 52 and to share about it.
That’s the exact thing I feel like sharing with my older self; BE who God has made me to BE everyday. Times, places,bodies, and circumstances may change, but I can BE satisfied and fulfilled my whole life when I find my whole life in Jesus.
Be Satisifed and Fulfilled In Jesus
Jesus said He gives living water and we will never thirst again when we drink from that well (John 4:10).
I struggle to BE in the season, age, person God has made me to be. I easily disqualify myself from situations, settings and conversation I find myself in. Thinking, if I were older, wiser, younger, funner, richer, smarter and the list goes on and on, then I will be better. When I quit looking at myself, or to myself, or comparing myself and put all of myself into God, my creator and King, I can Be who He designed me to be, and that is enough, and that is all I need to be.
2 Timothy 1:9 He has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.
Our Purpose
It is heartbreaking to see older people lose their zeal for life because they feel they have no purpose. They can feel like they lose value because they can’t do the things they used to do. My purpose, and yours, is not about skill or work or contribution, or accomplishments. Our purpose is found in Jesus; our value is in Him alone.
Created To Be His
A brand new baby, a thriving adult and an old person can be who they are, in all the different stages of life and it doesn’t change who God made them to be. He made us to BE His. Tying our worth to anything other than being in Jesus, is a downhill slope.
At every age and stage of life, may we BE all that God has called and equipped us to be.
We are human beings, not human doings. – Rick Warren