Patrick’s Voice – Baptism / Hugged By God

The last day of doing missions was full of love, hugs from heaven, cries of Good News and declaring publically the love of God. 

Those who declare publicly that they belong to me, I will do the same for them before my father in Heaven. (Mathew 10:32)

The last day was ended on a special Sunday. I loved the fact that all that we did, was in the presence of the Lord. More happens in his presence, and we live as living testimonies to this aftermath of the missions we had. It was great to bring it to an end in the presence of the Lord. There were setbacks, and we may have made mistakes along the way, that’s the reason why we all needed the help we could get from each other. Out of many, we were truly one. We had the obligation to treat each other with love, care and respect, through prayers, joy, the simple fellowships and waking up to find out how the other members spent the night. I loved the constant hugs that expressed the bond that kept us together -the love of God. I love you all with the love of Christ. After all that we went through, it was time to say goodbye and I remember telling myself, “‘We have fought the good fight and we have won the race, and this time 2018, I await what God has placed ahead of me and us as a whole.” This can never be about one person , it’s always about us as a whole. It’s about what we can attain as a group, as a family, as a nation. We will survive , we will thrive. 

 This day was a special day in my life, it’s the day when I got a whole new life. A life rich in Christ. I live to follow Jesus. A life to know Jesus and keep knowing Him. A life to stand firm, and declare publically that ‘Through all, I choose life, and I choose to follow Christ and live in him.’ When I got the message from my American mom Jenay Brewer, about me getting baptized, I grew goose bumps. When I learnt that my American Dad Charlie Brewer was the one to baptize me, I couldn’t wait for the day. I kept praying for this day because one; I was getting baptized, and secondly I was excited to be baptized by my Dad. How sweet! My dad was giving me a whole new life, to accept Jesus Christ and our Savior. My dad was giving me a new life to follow our heavenly dad(God). Thank you so much Dad. You gave me a new life. I have chosen life, because of his unending love. 

Before the baptism happened, we got a special message from Pastor Steve Mohr. He shared a strong message and I got this after baptism.

“This day I call the Heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God , listen to his voice , and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers , Abraham , Isaac and Jacob. (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

God asks us to choose life. God wants to love us , he wants to protect and provide for us. We won’t understand his blessings towards us if we don’t live his way. Among all things,I knew I was choosing a  life, choosing a life in loving God and obeying his commandments. I was choosing to learn doing things God’s way. I was CHOOSING LIFE. I chose  to obey God. I was choosing a life that obeys him. We only need to obey Him . I was choosing wisely and I was choosing a life in CHRIST. I am holding onto God. I am holding onto doing work for his glory. I am CHOOSING A LIFE THAT GLORIFIES HIM. God takes care of our lives when we do his work.

 I am choosing a life of being strong and courageous because I know He is God. I will do what is right even when I have fear. For i know the life I have CHOSEN, a life of Christ won’t let me down, I know my God; He will go before me, whatever you are fearing, God is already there. God goes before us, he never leaves us and he is always with us. 

 ‘My presence shall go with you and I will give you rest’ says his Word.

When I got baptized, I sat alone in the room and put thoughts together . Then I started recalling some story I read in a book back then . I reflected and said, ‘this is what I am Choosing.’ I will quote part of the story that I loved in this book (FOLLOW ME by David Platt). ‘I eagerly , willingly and gladly lost my life in order to know, follow and proclaim Jesus. I fell on my knees in fear and trembling and adoration and tears and confessed my need for Jesus more than I needed anything else in the world . Now I am pleased to confess that I have been crucified with Christ . It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me. I turned from walking in one direction to running into the opposite direction. I love more of God’s glory more than I love my life.’

There is indescribable joy to be found, deep satisfaction to be felt, and an eternal purpose to be fuffilled in dying to ourselves and living for him.

That day of baptism was the special day in my life. When Dad baptized and hugged me, he had glasses on but he had tears in his eyes. It must have been a moment of joy for him, for giving his own son a new life. He told me four words that were strong “I love you son” that was enough to remind me of God’s promise .

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 

This reminded me that even when I didn’t get to see my dad, he was a father to all of us and he has brought a father to baptize me, hug me and show me his greatest love. The love that is seen in the love God showed us through his Son Jesus Christ. It felt like God had come down and hugged me and whispered to me, “I love you son.” I felt comfort in the arms of my dad, in his hug I felt protection, provision, love, compassion and I was very relaxed in the moments I spent with that hug. If I received that from my earthly father, how much more can we recieve through thee Lord of our Heavenly Father.

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This is us


Daughter, sister, wife, mom, Gma, and friend is what I bring to the table.  There is only one, I AM, and it isn’t me. Jesus is His name and He lives in me and works in all that I AM, and all that I am not. Our work together looks like laundry, and sometimes we dance.  He cleans up all the messes and He is who I follow, in the dance of life.  My name is Jenay and I’m glad you stopped by. 


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