Why is a ship a she? And then there’s the whole ~mother ship~ expression, what is a mother to think? Well a ship is a she because she carries a load. And the mother ship expression means base or source or headquarters. Seems like they are opposite things but maybe it’s not differing but diverse. Mothers are all the things at once. A vessel that carries and moves loads of stuff and is also headquarters, home base at the same time.
She carries a load. A load of what? A load of everything, the mother load is how we say it. Mothers carry babies, and burdens, extra weight, snacks, debt and everyone’s coat and garbage.
If it weren’t for mothers we wouldn’t have fathers. Mothers carry fathers when they are babies, even when they are big.
Mama Bear
Mothers bear a lot, from the time they become a mother for the rest of their mother-life, which is forever. Once a mother always a mother no matter how things turn out, they don’t turn back, there is no such thing as unmother.
However, mothers can go from mama to bear in a blink of an eye. All mothers bear something that keeps the world from eating their young and keeps the mothers from doing the same. Everyone knows what a mama bear is, and what she is capable of. She can carry the sweetest fluffiest form of life in her mouth by the scruff of the neck and she can run at break neck speed and rip into anything that threatens her baby, even if her baby is big.
Even Jesus, God in the flesh, was carried by a mother. Then, when he was grown and it wasn’t yet his time, she determined it was time for wine and she knew who to mother around to get it done. She had carried him and he was her baby even though he was bigger than life, she was still the mother, and mother him she did.
Mother Nature
Mother Nature is a great example of the nature of a mother. She has more changes and moods in her life than the changing seasons of the universe over all time. If a mother isn’t changing the world may stop. Change is an important part of the nature of a mother.
Moms deliver. If you have ever had a mother, and I can guarantee you you have, she delivered even if she never did another thing for you, she did deliver.
No matter what you think of your mother or even if you don’t, honor a mother today. Honor is as good for you as it is for the other. Honor a mother who has carried you, or your coat or snack, beared you or went full on Mama Bear on you or for you. Honor the mother that changed you (not even talking about diapers.) Honor the woman that mothered you, which sounds like bossing.
A mother will boss you into doing something good because she knows your potential. She will mother you into the best things, turning water into wine, before you think it’s your time.
Honor a mother who delivered you from where you were to where you are now. Love like a mother ship, go all mama bear and love big.