In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:1-5 )
Christmas shows us and reminds us that God came to us, as a baby to the earth in human flesh. He moved from heaven to earth and changed everything to be with us and to save us. He brought life, and light; He created both and he is both.
Even before he lived the life we couldn’t and died in our place for our sins, even before the Bible was written the whole world changed when He changed his address.
Jesus changes everything, yet he will never change. Jesus was in the beginning, in heaven, and on earth. He is God and he is the same yesterday today and forever. Jesus never leaves us the same when we encounter His life and light. Everything starts over, even time, as we know it started over with Jesus. He made it possible to be born again.
Jesus came; and changed the world forever. Time and history started counting over. He changed the world and all who believe, and changed how we see the world and experience it.
The world celebrates Christmas, Jesus birthday, even if they don’t know Him. The world has tried to make Christmas about everything except for the birth of the one and only Jesus Christ the Savior of the world.
Can you imagine celebrating the birthday of someone you didn’t know or care one day about their life?
Christmas is a time of remembering, celebrating and worshiping Jesus who came and changed the world and changed us forever.
Even the darkest days have Hope because of Jesus. He is life and he is light to the world and in each of us.
Be Wise
The wise men said, “……For we saw his star at its rising and have come to worship him.” (Matthew 2:2)
The birth of Jesus was celebrated by wise men, the Bible tells us. From the beginning of His life, wise people were drawn to Him, celebrated and worshipped his life.
As we celebrate Christmas may we be wise. May we draw near to Him who has come to bring light and life. Let us celebrate Jesus and worship him.
Everything changed when Jesus came; everything changes when we come to Him. He changes us. We don’t change Him, he changes us.
Christmas is full of tradition. Tradition is a way of doing things that help us celebrate, remember and share.
We have a “tradition” for celebrating birthdays in our family. In honor of the person whose birthday we are celebrating, we go around and each take a turn to tell the person, right in front of everyone, how they are a gift to us. Putting into words how the birthday person has blessed the lives surrounding them. We bless them, by sharing the blessing they are to us.
Jesus is the Word, lets use the ones He gave each of us, to speak and share the blessing he is.
To know Jesus is to be changed and blessed by His life. As we celebrate Jesus’ birthday this Christmas season, let us bless Him by sharing with others, how He has blessed and changed our life.
Jesus changed the world, how has he changed your world? How has he blessed you?