It Is Written – 52 Dinner Devos

  Fifty – two dinner devotions, DONE!! Whoop whoop. Can I get a high five on one hand and a peace sign on the other?!?! That’s my current status, and the hand sign Charlie gives me every time he passes by me.

 In my opinion, back stories, are the only way to get to the best parts of good story. I will share a few back stories, as I can, but for starters, I will go back 7 months to this very day. Kyle Suenaga, my bestie from childhood, and myself, had attended the Beth Moore and Jackie Hill-Perry conference in Birmingham, Alabama.  After the conference was over, we sat in a restaurant to have a little dinner devotion of our own and talk about, ‘what just hit us and what is next’.  Our hearts were stirred up and we needed to talk it through.

What Is Next

Knowing I needed to do something with all the new stirring in my heart and do the ‘next thing’ felt good and scary. For me, the next thing on my heart was to write a book, which seems to be the drum I have  beat for the last few years, but it never had a rhythm, just beating wildly until I got tired and a new notebook. 

In that same conversation Kyle said the Lord really impressed on her, that her time to write is coming, but for this season she is to edit and help me and other people in her life who are ready to put pen to paper. That day, that statement got my heart drumming to a beat that made sense, and now has rhythm to it. That rhythm has led to 52 dinner devotions; a high five on one hand and a peace sign in the other.

Best Gift Ever

When God put it on Kyle’s heart to edit and help my process, He gifted me with the best of the besties. This friend of mine is kind, brilliant, educated and willing to help, the jackpot combination. She handles words carefully and wisely, being especially sensitive to the Word of God. Kyle has a heart for Jesus, a desire to serve, an ear for His voice, an eye for His beauty and details of all the before mentioned.

We work well together, we have known each other since we were nine and now we are much older than that. We have the same spirit, the Holy one, that keeps us aligned and moving forward together. My role and process through this project went like this; I prayed and listened and wrote on every loose paper, envelope and receipt in the car and all over the kitchen. I typed what I had written on random papers and threw it out there to Kyle. I’m sure throwing it out there, hit more like throw up at times, but it was thrown out to her nonetheless.

But Kyle would grab what I wrote, as rough as it came, applied her many gifts and talents and it would come back smooth, smart and pretty with good grammar.

Disclaimer, she did not edit this post. I needed to put on my big girl writing pants and let this one be rough and raw. You can see for yourself, that it takes two to get to a solid high five and peace sign. Don’t judge this book by this post. It doesn’t have the finishing touches, it’s a little in the throw-up stage.


It is finished, at least this part of the project. I have written 52 dinner devotionals!  Kyle is working on editing the last few devotionals. I thank her from the bottom of my heart. Trust me when I say, you will thank her too.

More Infomation Coming

In the coming days, I will give a bit more information and a few more back stories. But for today only high five and peace signs.

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This is us


Daughter, sister, wife, mom, Gma, and friend is what I bring to the table.  There is only one, I AM, and it isn’t me. Jesus is His name and He lives in me and works in all that I AM, and all that I am not. Our work together looks like laundry, and sometimes we dance.  He cleans up all the messes and He is who I follow, in the dance of life.  My name is Jenay and I’m glad you stopped by. 


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