Painting the doorpost……the picture is an old one, from 2017, but it’s a good doorway picture.
Holy Week. We remember and celebrate Easter. The death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Yesterday, our pastor taught about the Old Testament Passover. During the Passover which pointed straight to Jesus, God instructed His people to paint the blood of a flawless lamb over their house’s doorpost to protect them from the tenth plague that the Lord was sending. The Lord was going to pass by and the destroyer would enter any household without blood on the doorpost and kill all the firstborn males in the house.
Faith and Obedience
Painting blood on the doorpost was an act of faith and obedience. The whole thing was pointing straight to Jesus and what He did on the cross to cover us and save us from sin and death. It hadn’t happened in history yet, when the tenth plague was send, but it was always part of His Story.
The part that hit me afresh, as I was listening to the sermon was a question. Do we have the same faith and obedience as the people that had to take action, slaughter a lamb and paint the doorpost with blood? We are not instructed to paint blood on our doorway anymore, because Jesus changed all that, but when they did paint the doorposts, it saved the whole household, and it was something everyone could see. Not only could the Lord see as He passed by, but the people could see who had a blood painted doorpost and who didn’t.
What is on our doorpost?
The question I was asking myself is this, “Are we living for Jesus in a way that others can see that we are covered by the blood?” Are we living in a way that everyone who passes by, or when we pass by others; do they know we are saved and belong to Jesus?
When they did this in the Old Testament, they couldn’t just have a private thought or quiet prayer that the Lord would pass by and hear. They had to get bloody and messy and bold. They had to take action and sacrifice a lamb and paint blood around the door for all to see and know who lived behind that doorway. Everyone knew a blood painted doorpost meant that household belonged to the Lord and served Him only.
Let’s get bold and believe that when we live with the blood of Jesus covering us, it covers us and our household. The enemy and everyone else can see it as they pass right on by, because they know who we serve. May we live out our faith, as messy as it can be at times, may it always be obvious who we trust to save us. May our lives be as clear and bold as blood stained doorposts for Jesus and for all to see.