Hate is Killing Us and Our Children

It’s the hate that is killing us and our children.  Hate starts in the heart and acts out in murder. People hate hard, and hate hardens hearts. We the people have fought over choices, and who gets them and who doesn’t, we have fought over rights,  and who has them and who doesn’t.  We have played God and tried to define life, when it starts, and who can end it and what we call it when we have it.  When someone comes in and takes all rights and choices away at clinics, schools and grocery stores, it kills us and our children.   It’s never been about choice, rights and definitions, it’s about sin, and evil  in the human heart, in every human heart. It’s what we do with the evil, that turns our heart to hate and murder or turns it to love and forgiveness. 

Love Is Not The Easy Way

We have to know love, or learn it, as a friend of mine says, to receive it and share it. It’s not the easy way, it’s hard to love through the hard, and love really hard, but it’s the only way to truly live. 

We have learned hate is okay as long as you are on the right or left side of it. Which side is the right side of hate? We hate people that are different,  and hate when people go about hating different than we do.  We hate murder and it’s that very same thing, hate, that leads to murder.  If we stopped hating, murder would die. 

We Can’t Hate Our Way Out Of This

We can’t hate our way out of this one, we can’t hate enough to change anything for the better. Our focus always leads to more of whatever the focus is.  We must believe that babies, people at grocery stores and children in school are OUR people, our babies our brothers and sisters and children. We need to take it all personally not politically. 

May we feel love deeply, and love so hard it hurts. Let us love to the point that it is the hardest thing we have ever done and then, love harder still. Why not love so hard, it breaks our hearts and heals everything else. 

More and Less Guns Will Not Fix This

We can’t stand on political issues, or make phone calls to make hate stop. We need to repent, humble ourselves and pray, we need to see the sin in our own hearts and invite Love to show us a different way.  It’s not a quick fix, it’s not a new policy, it’s not more security with more or less guns. Jesus brought the perfect policy, and he lived it perfectly and he told us how to follow him and his perfect plan. 

Loving God and loving others. That’s the plan and policy. 

It’s not guns or lack of carrying them that is killing us and our kids, it’s hate.   In Genesis 3 the first sin happened and fractured us and our world  and by the next chapter the first murder occurred.  Sin leads to death very quickly.  

Chapter 3 In Genesis – Sin Enters. Chapter 4 – Murder

It was Cain who killed his brother because he was angry and felt rejected.  So rather than doing what is right, he did what felt right and he murdered his brother.His brother was different than him, and he didn’t want to do what was right he did exactly what anger and hatred gave him the right to do. 

Genesis 4:6 “Why are you so angry?” the Lord asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? 7 You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

People are told they can do what they want, be whoever they want to be, if it feels right and  they work hard enough at it and it makes them happy; they can do and be whatever they want. When lies and betrayal set in the heart, it turns to hate and produces anger that leads to death and destruction that takes anyone and everyone with it. 

Love Hard

Let’s tell the truth. Love is not the feel good, easy way to live, it’s the hardest thing you will ever do. Love will break your heart and humble the holy right into you. Love is the hardest thing you can ever feel and do.  Love is not passive, love is aggressive, and fights hard and makes you do hard things. My hope is that we love so hard it breaks our hearts and heals broken people. 

The world has lied to us and our children and we have stood by and let it speak over the top of love. People are doing what feels right, even when hating feels right and it is destroying them and everyone around them. What feels right to a wicked heart is murder. Repentance, turning to God, is the only way out of this. The only way to fix the wicked heart is to break it, and surrender to Love who heals us and everyone that is touched by Him.

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This is us


Daughter, sister, wife, mom, Gma, and friend is what I bring to the table.  There is only one, I AM, and it isn’t me. Jesus is His name and He lives in me and works in all that I AM, and all that I am not. Our work together looks like laundry, and sometimes we dance.  He cleans up all the messes and He is who I follow, in the dance of life.  My name is Jenay and I’m glad you stopped by. 


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