Happy Mother’s Day Week

I’m pulling the trigger on Mother’s Day early.  We need more than a day to process and celebrate and grieve all the mothers and others, that are touched by a mother. This day, this word, can be a trigger for everyone who has a mother in their life, EVER, which would be everyone. Everyone has a mother to consider, nobody got here,  from the start of life without a mother. Celebrating mothers is important; all they bring into the world is always worth celebrating.  It’s also important to grieve the struggle, the brokenness that comes with mothers walking through the pain of a mother, and the mother of pain, for those that don’t get to experience motherhood the way they desire to.  The joy and struggle of this subject, is the mother load carried, with or without children in the equation.  Mothers feel big big big about all the littles, and all these big feelings can blow up our lives and make us feel small and huge, crushed and whole in a moment that lasts a lifetime.  

Mothers Trigger Us

 Mothers and Mother’s Day can trigger us in many different ways, it can trigger some good thoughts and feelings, hopes and dreams, and it can trigger pain that hurts like a shot thru the heart.  If you know anything about me, you know I’m a mother and I can be trigger happy, on the issues of mothers.  I’m happy to talk about the highest highs and the lowest lows and the beauty of it all coming together as we are promised that God can work it all together for our good and for His glory, for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.  

Mothers Longing to Be

We all have mothers, even if she has passed on, or passed, on her gift of motherhood.  Sometimes mothers pass on to others, the gift of life they carried  inside of them for various reasons. Some mothers use the gift of motherhood to bless and nurture for the rest of their life and the lives they have carried for many generations.  Some mothers don’t have it in them to continue on the outside what they have carried on the inside.  Other mothers can’t carry in their womb, the desire that is growing inside of them, it is stuck growing in their heart.  As a desire and a love grows, it takes root in the heart, and not the womb, which makes the heart groan, especially on weeks like Mother’s Day where it’s all so highlighted.   The common theme in mothers and others is that she grows something inside, sometimes in her womb and other times not; both grow something that we can’t control or see how it’s going to live out in our life; it turns us inside out.   How we live through it all, is a mystery and the journey for every mother that is, and every mother longing to be.

Mother of Mess

Motherhood is a big beautiful mess.  That’s what mothers are good at afterall.  We can spot them and make them and deal with them in a multitude of ways.  We are the mother of messes.  We feel big about little lives that can overwhelm us and even make us feel small.  We can feel crushed by the weight of being a mother or not. 

1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and transgressed. 15 But she will be saved through childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with good sense.

Childbearing saves us when we know we aren’t enough.  Either we have kids and we fall short and are never enough in how we want to mother, and childbearing that can’t happen in our bodies can make us feel like we fall short and aren’t enough to be a mother. It’s Only Christ in us with children to raise and it’s only Christ in us who long for a child that can bring us to the end of ourselves, to our knees and enough grace to get us through it.

Mothers Wait

Mothers are experts at waiting, not because they are good at it, or ever  master it, it’s just part of the package.  Mothers who are waiting to be mothers, can be waiting with one in the womb and waiting to bring forth what they are waiting for, or they can be waiting for a child that is not yet or ever going to come to them. It’s all a big long wait, long suffering, is the common beat of a mother’s heart who longs to hear the beat of the heart inside.

Mother Is Never Enough

Mothers are hardest on themselves.  We feel we aren’t enough for the job, the calling, the honor of being a mother.  Others are hardest on themselves, as they feel they are  not enough,  not called and broken beyond repair. Feelings are never enough and we will truly never be enough to get us through the mother journey of life. We need Jesus and we need Him in us, with children and without, we need Him. Jesus is enough for all of us and He gives us more than enough to be who he called us to be; we need him now and we need him forever.

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This is us


Daughter, sister, wife, mom, Gma, and friend is what I bring to the table.  There is only one, I AM, and it isn’t me. Jesus is His name and He lives in me and works in all that I AM, and all that I am not. Our work together looks like laundry, and sometimes we dance.  He cleans up all the messes and He is who I follow, in the dance of life.  My name is Jenay and I’m glad you stopped by. 


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