God’s Faithfulness Through All Generations

When I found out I was pregnant with Reece, we were going through a train-wreck with a business and partnership that we had only been a part of for a short time. 

Loving Jesus and the World

Prior to the train-wreck of a situation, we thought we had life kinda figured out, we were kinda kicking butt and had the “world” by the tail.   We were headed in a clear direction with just enough of everything we loved, to feel pretty good about ourselves.   Loving Jesus and all the world has to offer doesn’t work well together for very long. We thought we had it all balanced and were moving forward in a killer plan. We were right, the plan was a killer. God is too good to leave us chasing after the world when we are His.

When We Thought We Had It Figured Out, We Didn’t

Very quickly, we realized, through that situation that we did not have one thing in life figured out and there is no such thing as loving Jesus and the world.  We share the love of Jesus with the world, he doesn’t share our love and hearts with anyone or anything. 

Sorting Through Wreckage and Seeing Faithfulness

Our “train-wreck” left us pretty disappointed and discouraged.  God was faithful the whole time before, during and after, but we had to sort through the mess to see it.  We had to be looking, seeking Him and His kingdom, or all we could see was wreckage.

Relationships and finances are hard to navigate on the very best days on earth, and you combine the two in the world of business and ungodly partnership and it doesn’t take long to get off track and watch the train cars pile up in a heap.

Faithfulness is one of God’s characteristics.  I heard and read about it, but hadn’t known this about Him personally. I didn’t know how to trust it, see it and depend on it in my own life.

Highlighting Faithfulness

God’s faithfulness shows up, not because we are good or deserve it. We haven’t learned our lesson, or been taught a lesson.  I just see better.  I see God’s faithfulness in my life, for my entire life.  It’s like the story of our lives is lived out, and sometime along the journey God takes a highlighter and shows us His faithfulness throughout the whole story.  The story doesn’t change, but the emphasis does.

Fast forward to present; one of the areas of uncertainty in my later years of parenting, as the family has grown and I have grown older, is endurance.  Would I be able to have endurance to finish my race strong, to parent these younger kids and keep up with them and not just be the “old-tired” mom?  

God Equips Us To Run Our Own Race

God has been gracious to me and given me endurace; not because of my faithfulness, but because of His.  I get to continue to run (and slow jog) the race He has set before me; if I don’t, I get lost. Sometimes I even got lost in mid route (as evidenced once again this weekend). Once in a while, just for the joy of it all,  He lets me run with my kids. The running, in our faith and in life, remind me of His provision, His faithfulness, and His goodness everyday, to all generations.   He equips us with everything we need to do what He has called us to!  

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This is us


Daughter, sister, wife, mom, Gma, and friend is what I bring to the table.  There is only one, I AM, and it isn’t me. Jesus is His name and He lives in me and works in all that I AM, and all that I am not. Our work together looks like laundry, and sometimes we dance.  He cleans up all the messes and He is who I follow, in the dance of life.  My name is Jenay and I’m glad you stopped by. 


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