Fathers Show Up Strong


Father, that word, that title is strong and stirs up a lot of strong feelings, thoughts and emotions.  Fathers show up strong whether they actually show up or not. The man who fathers, is not our choice but in the end, we do choose how he shows up in our own lives. He always shows up strong, may he also show up well. 

Picture two brothers that share the same father, both sitting on a park bench together. One brother,  very successful, with a good job, wonderful family, and a beautiful home. The other brother is homeless with no family and no job. The question is posed to each brother:  How  did life turn out like this for you?  Both answered the same question with the same response:  I watched my father. 

We may not choose our father, but we do get to choose how to respond to our father, and the role he plays as our lives play out.

When I asked Charlie the greatest part of being a father, his response was slow and thoughtful. The greatest part of being a father, according to the father of my children, is watching them do something and feeling like he is doing it too. He says his kids are an extension of him and he feels what they do, as if he himself were doing it. Children are an extension of their fathers no matter how that extension is felt, acknowledged, or not.

Fathers have a way of taking control in a lot of different situations. When the father’s control starts with self-control; they show up strong and safe. Strong and safe is the most beautiful combination and powerful way for a father to show up well.

Great and Humble

Great fathers are the humble ones. The fathers that have the most to say and say the least with words, but use strong language with their life. Spoken and unspoken words show up strong in all who hear from a father and the ones that never hear a word.  Words of a father are always strong and come across loud and clear. 

Every father will require forgiveness from their children, whether they ask for it or not. Showing up strong, as a father does, will ensure brokenness, to some degree. The good news is, Our Father knew we would need forgiveness, and He provides it to everyone who will receive and give it.  We can trust God our Father because he makes all the fathers that show up strong in our lives, also show up healed.

My Fathers Show Up Together

My father, David E. Franke, and the father of my children, Charles Brewer show up big and strong. Set in concrete, on this job and in my life, are two strong fathers. The picture at the top of this post is from a job they did together on Crook County Courthouse steps. Charlie wrote their names in concrete on this very day, July 3, 1992. This father bond was well established before it was written on this slab. Having concrete records, is an added gift and a bonus. They show up strong in my life and often times they show up together, just like it is written.

Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a day that can trigger all kinds of strong feelings, emotions and thoughts for people. Fathers show up strong, may we choose to let them show up well in our lives.  

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This is us


Daughter, sister, wife, mom, Gma, and friend is what I bring to the table.  There is only one, I AM, and it isn’t me. Jesus is His name and He lives in me and works in all that I AM, and all that I am not. Our work together looks like laundry, and sometimes we dance.  He cleans up all the messes and He is who I follow, in the dance of life.  My name is Jenay and I’m glad you stopped by. 


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