

Fathers Show Up Strong

Father. Father, that word, that title is strong and stirs up a lot of strong feelings, thoughts and emotions.  Fathers show up strong whether they

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Takeaways and Unpacking

My sister asked me what was my biggest takeaway from this particular trip to Uganda. My friend then asked how I was unpacking; she wasn’t

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Serious Celebration

Here we go again. Loading up to travel our butts off to celebrate a wedding.  I mean at this point we can just skip most

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Broke and Moving

Taking a glance back is the best way to see forward. When you remember what God has done, you know the future is bright and

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Humble Not Hidden

Three things I mostly avoid writing about, yet feel passionate about, are marriage, parenting and finances.  I’m decades deep in all of it, but feel

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Do Moms Really Count

Do Moms Really Count? I’ve been at this gig for awhile and so have some of you…but…we are never done. Once a mom…always a mom…it

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Here We Go Again

Here we go again. I’m going back to Uganda. Back to family, back on mission, back to the warmth I crave all year long. Each

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