God has blessed me with amazing friendships in Uganda. One of them in particular is a very Ugandan relationship, but we are both from America. Jaja Carol is her name, Jaja stands for Grandma.
I am writing this post, not to give glory to a person, that type of glory would go wrong for all involved. I write it to honor Jaja Carol and because God woke me up and pressed it firmly on my heart. When He woke me up, He had a writing assignment for me.
People travel to Uganda for a lot of different reasons. The creativity of God can be seen in travel in beautiful and different ways. As different as each person is, when you are white in Uganda, you tend to stand out in some areas, sometimes good areas, sometimes not so good. White skin can draw attention, there. The response to attention can make some changes to the heart. The heart changes that can happen can either fill to overflow, growing the mission that is right on beat. Also, attention can get absorbed, and a person can be full of themselves. Turning our attention to the heart behind what we do and where we go is the way to keep it on the right path. I pray Jesus has my heart and my attention to write what he has pressed in to share.
Called To Serve
The one and only reason Jaja Carol travels to Uganda is out of love, and that love compels her to serve. Her service looks like a drill sergeant of love. Serving with strict attention to every detail, she keeps a tight schedule, and she stays on mission until it is complete. She does it with a smile and with love, and huge amounts of humility. She does not waiver from the task she has been entrusted to complete.
The task, as I put it, is more of a calling than a job, or even a service, if we really want to call it, what it is. There is no way on earth she could do what she does in her own power. Power from Holy Spirit himself is what gets her through her calling that serves well over 1000 children. She would be appalled at that rounded number because she prefers to know each child by name and not skip over one of them.
Bold and Gentle
Carol answers her calling, boldly and gently. She is bold to go each year and meet the children; working all year on the needs that each child may have. She serves quietly and effectively. Only God himself, knows what all this woman has done in her humble, yet powerful service to Him.
Carol speaks as little as possible, but she says very clearly and precisely what needs to be said. She mostly listens and learns, jots down notes and numbers and takes pictures.
Did I mention she is 78 years old and has no plans of passing on her calling until God gives her the next call? Her life reminds me, our call can come at any age. We just need to be ready to answer when it does. Every time.
Carol isn’t looking for attention, she is looking for sponsors. She is looking for more people that she can put in her list of people to match with a child to serve more, and give more. Looking at faces, not numbers, is what she sees as the mission at hand. Children that have needs and take so little to meet, is what drives her through the bumpy roads of Uganda.
Although, I wasn’t asked to write this, I am given a call of my own. Sometimes, all we need to know is how God works in someone else to see how He can work in us. It’s never the same. We are all called in unique ways; that is the beauty and creativity of God. Having the honor of knowing this Jaja and knowing that God can use me to honor one of His servants is a blessing.
Praise to God
All in all, showing appreciation for what God has done in others is praise to the Lord. Therefore, the way Jaja Carol serves; the call she answers again and again, is all praise to God. Seventy-eight years of life, and counting, that has eternal value, is worthy of praise to our Lord. She is a treasure to people all over the world, and I treasure the friendship we have developed over time and travel. All glory to God for calling and answering people’s prayers that may only be heard from Him, through Him and to Him.