Do It Again Jesus

After working on dinner devotionals for seven months, and the first phase of this project completed, I found a quiet place to park and talk to Jesus. I parked, to thank the Lord and ask Him to bless this book and multiply it, hopefully in the form of publishing. After all, blessing and multiplying are right in line with what Jesus is passionate about. And he does have a flawless track record.

Bless and Multiply

As I was sitting there, the one miracle recorded in all four gospels, kept coming to mind. It was the time Jesus fed five thousand men from five loaves and two fish. We can still read about this miracle today in Matthew 14:15-21, Mark 6:37-44, Luke 9:12-17 and John 6:4-13. What took place that day, had the undivided attention of all four writers. And as I sat in my car, my attention was right there too. Knowing it is no small miracle to feed 5000 men, then adding in women and children, and it’s closer to feeding 15 to 20 thousand people. I was drawn to this story, as I sat in my car praying over these fifty-two dinner devotionals. Turns out, I was focusing on the blessing, and what I found was a simple offering.  Five loaves and two fish, five and two, feed thousands.

Jesus was offered 5 loaves and 2 fish from a young boy’s lunch. He looked up to heaven, blessed it, broke it and fed all the people there. Giving to Jesus, all that the disciples had gathered up, was enough for Jesus to do his miracle and feed everyone there.

We have gathered, and offered up in 52 dinner devos. Now, may God bless it and multiply it.

Dinner Was Not Ready

On that day, Jesus’ disciples were concerned about the crowds, and the fact that they were hungry. They told Him their thoughts, and how impossible the situation seemed. The people had spent all day with Jesus and dinner was not ready. Jesus told his disciples as they began to discuss options of solutions, He said to them, “You give them something to eat.” They came back with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.

Jesus Not Bummed

The small amount they gave to Jesus, didn’t bum him out or disappoint Him at all. In response to the little lunch offering, he had the massive crowd of people sit in small groups of fifty or so. Jesus took the small lunch, looked up to heaven, blessed and broke the bread, and had his disciples distribute it to the thousands. As they handed it out, it multiplied. There was enough for everyone to eat their fill. Not only did everyone get their fill, they ended up with twelve baskets of leftovers.

Small Group – OG

Can you picture the groups of fifty peeps sitting in the grass, eating a picnic together. Once we see this, we realize Jesus really is the OG of small groups or community groups, or whatever catchy title we give our groups. Gathering in groups to eat and discuss important things is not a new concept. Jesus knows it’s important and He started it.

This story, makes me wonder what these people talked about in their small groups as they were eating together that day. Wouldn’t you love to have heard the different conversations in those circles. I believe they would all be talking about the events of the day, and what they saw and heard and tasted from Jesus.

However, I imagine each person had a different way of processing their personal experience. As they sat in a small group eating a miracle meal, I’m sure it was not a quiet occasion, or an occasion for small talk. Still, picturing these small groups of people, eating and enjoying conversations about the miracle they experienced is fulfilling to all who read about it, to this very day.


Through this project, we have brought 52 dinner devos to Jesus. And it is time to have people sit in groups and enjoy the goodness of God.

The next step I want to take, is to connect with twelve people committed to hosting a dinner, lunch or coffee to help distribute what has been gathered up. Enjoying food and conversations, with a small group is all it takes. A small group of your immediate family, eating together on a ordinary Tuesday, works just fine.

Bring Back Leftovers

Then, once you and your people have ate your fill, I would ask that you gather leftovers. The leftovers gathered, will be the feedback you share.

I have done a few test devos with my family and friends in different gatherings and it’s fun, and easy and works for all ages and stages of life mixed together. We have learned more about each other through laughter and tears and devoting to dine and together. 

Giving purpose to the conversation, and inviting everyone to engage on the same page, is a hospitality win. Dinner devotions is a tool for creating conversation among groups that gather. The goal is creating new conversations as we learn more about Life together and draw closer as we do.

Contact Info.

Please comment or email me if you are willing to share a dinner devotion with a small group of people and I will hook you up.


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This is us


Daughter, sister, wife, mom, Gma, and friend is what I bring to the table.  There is only one, I AM, and it isn’t me. Jesus is His name and He lives in me and works in all that I AM, and all that I am not. Our work together looks like laundry, and sometimes we dance.  He cleans up all the messes and He is who I follow, in the dance of life.  My name is Jenay and I’m glad you stopped by. 


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